Our Philosophy:

Humans need humans.

We intend to initiate a new movement, let's call it "small social." It's our little solution to some very big societal problems.

In taking a look around at the state of our public dialog, we believe that we all deserve better. This app and community is our best effort to provide an antidote to the growing problems of polarization, isolation, and general loss of trust between people.

Our solution? More community. More conversations. More connection.

Throughout history, human connection has flourished through intimate, tight-knit communities. From ancient tribal ceremonies to contemporary salons — transformative ideas often emerged from small, intentional groups.

This is how we've evolved as a species. Giant social leaps are catalyzed via small initial steps within close groups.

However, today's oversized/hypescaled social platforms have replaced meaningful connections with superficial engagement, leaving us more isolated despite being networked to hundreds of millions of people. A 2021 study by the University of Pennsylvania confirmed that loneliness and social isolation are on the rise, especially among younger generations.

150 is the magic number to deep social ties, as identified by Anthropologist Robin Dunbar. He had found that within groups of this size and smaller, authentic interactions flourish.

Again and again, research shows that smaller, in-person groups foster psychological safety, trust, collaboration, and emotional well-being. In our view, this isn't just interesting scholarship; it's a societal imperative.

This is the premise of CX, a reimagined social platform emphasizing intimacy and accountability. With an initial cap of 100,000 curated members, CX merges the scale of a digital network with all the magic that happens within physical space.

With CX, we hope to inspire new connections in a balanced relationship between our private social app and events within our stunning social space in Soho, New York City.

Within our Soho studio, we offer nightly events, performances, and talks, transforming digital connections into real-world interactions. The performances and talks from our stage are then circulated back into the app, sparking meaningful conversations among the broader community.

The "small social" movement isn't about rejecting technology but reclaiming its potential to foster genuine connection. By prioritizing intentionality over algorithms, CX envisions a future where social interactions hold the power they once did, the power to connect and grow society as a whole

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